DETALE CPH is a Danish company based in Copenhagen and with production facilities in Denmark and Sweden. Our products are at the core of our business and we never compromise on quality and customer experience.
Our products are developed and produced in Denmark and Sweden under the requirements of an ISO9001-certified quality management system. We are happy to be able to deliver environmentally sound products, without compromising on quality, procured under environmentally correct production methods with ISO 14001 certification. We are continuously working on minimizing our Co2 footprint and delivering high quality products. In 2021, our tinting system was upgraded, as another step towards realizing our green strategy. The ambition is to achieve a completely CO2-neutral production going towards 2030.
At DETALE CPH we are focused on labelling and declaring our products so that our customers can be sure of what they contain. This is important for the professional customer as well as the DIY customer. After having gone through a transformation of continuous quality enhancing adjustments over the past years, we are proud to have both our KABRIC and KC14 series labelled with The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, the official Nordic ecolabel.
DETALE CPH became part of Flügger group AS in 2019 – one of the leading producers and brands in the Nordic paint industry. In 2020 Flügger launched the strategy Going Green, the purpose of which being to secure continuous progress and development of the Flügger group in a sustainable direction, both in business-related contexts and environmentally.