Choosing the right primer is the foundation for a successful KABRIC Floor project. For the KABRIC Floor system, there are two primers to choose from and here, you can read more about them. Your foundation determines which primer is best suited for your project. Prepare is for completely even surfaces that do not need to be levelled out or foundations that need stabilising.
Prepare is a ready-to-use primer that looks like a white paint. It has been developed specifically for the KABRIC Floor system and the purpose of it is to provide good adhesion with your underlying surface. It is easy to work with, so if your surface allows for it we would always recommend using this primer.
Smooth Prepare
Smooth Prepare is an epoxy primer with the ability to level out and stabilise surfaces. Smooth Prepare consists of 3 components of which A and B should always be used. Component C is a Filler that makes the mass thick, enabling it to level out and build the surface. If Smooth Prepare is used without component C the primer will stabilise but not level out the surface.

Tiles: Uneven surfaces such as tiles should be levelled out to an even surface with Smooth Prepare before KABRIC floor is applied. We recommend a 1:1 mix ratio of Smooth Prepare and Smooth Prepare Filler. Be aware that Filler is purchased separately.
Parquet: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on parquet flooring. If you want to be absolutely sure that the parquet flooring is not faintly visible through the final result, Smooth Prepare must be used. As parquet flooring does not need to be levelled out, only stabilised, Smooth Prepare can be used without component C; Filler.
Concrete: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on concrete. We recommend using Prepare if the surface is completely even. If there are any irregularities, Smooth Prepare or a similar primer for filling in can be used before priming the entire area with Prepare.
Linoleum: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on linoleum. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even.
Terrazzo: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on terrazzo. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even without any holes or repairs.
Laminate: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on laminate. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even.