An innovative flooring system uniting strength, high aesthetics and user-friendliness. With the KABRIC Floor system, you can give your floors a new look, with our characteristic lively finish and beautiful Nordic colours. Here, you can get to know the system and become ready for your upcoming floor project. You can also find inspiration on Instagram under the hashtag #kabricfloor​

The system 

KABRIC Floor has been developed for professionals and handy DIYers alike. The system is built upon two primer options, KABRIC Floor and two varnish options. ​

KABRIC Floor has been developed and tested in collaboration with one of the largest producers of paints in Scandinavia, as well as with leading Nordic flooring specialists. The system has undergone a long process of tests where adhesion, scratch resistance and skid resistance, among other things have been optimised. The KABRIC Floor system has been tested on a smaller, controlled scale and in real-life situations and private homes. Based on this, over the past 18 months, we have been working on creating the most optimal flooring system. ​


Choosing the right primer is the foundation for a successful KABRIC Floor project and your foundation determines which primer is best suited for your project. Prepare is for completely even surfaces that do not need to be levelled out. Smooth Prepare is for surfaces that need to be levelled out or surfaces requiring stabilisation. ​

You can read more about the different primer options here.

Prepare, Smooth Prepare
Prepare, Smooth Prepare

Tiles: Uneven surfaces such as tiles should be levelled out to an even surface with Smooth Prepare before KABRIC floor is applied. We recommend a 1:1 mix ratio of Smooth Prepare and Smooth Prepare Filler. Be aware that Filler is purchased separately. 

Parquet: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on parquet flooring. If you want to be absolutely sure that the parquet flooring is not faintly visible through the final result, Smooth Prepare must be used. As parquet flooring does not need to be levelled out, only stabilised, Smooth Prepare can be used without component C; Filler. 

Concrete: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on concrete. We recommend using Prepare if the surface is completely even. If there are any irregularities, Smooth Prepare or a similar primer for filling in can be used before priming the entire area with Prepare. 

Linoleum: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on linoleum. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even. 

Terrazzo: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on terrazzo. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even without any holes or repairs.

Laminate: Prepare and Smooth Prepare can both be used on laminate. We recommend Prepare if the surface is completely even.


The KABRIC Floor paint itself has been created based on the same principles as KABRIC – although on a flooring technology, to make it strong enough to be suited for floors.  

The lightest colours are made with a light base which altogether gives a less lively expression. All other colours are made on a dark base which gives you a more lively look. Do remember that the final look depends much on your application. We recommend you watch our videos before you begin your project. ​


To protect your KABRIC Floor the process is completed with a varnish. Here, you can choose between two ready-to-use varnishes, Strongcoat Matt and Strongcoat Silk, developed for the KABRIC Floor system.